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White Chinese Swan Goose

Chinese geese are a domesticated breed of goose that is popular for their unique appearance and gentle temperament. 

They are medium-sized waterfowl that have several distinctive features that set them apart from other breeds of geese.

In addition to their knob, Chinese geese are known for their slender and thin necks, which give them a graceful appearance. 

They also have a basal knob at the base of their neck, which is much smaller than the knob on their forehead and either orange or red webbed feet.

Chinese geese are medium-sized birds that typically weigh between 8 and 12 pounds. 

They are known for their upright posture and long, slender necks. 

They have a sleek and streamlined appearance, which makes them popular for ornamental purposes.

They are highly social birds and prefer to live in groups. 

They form strong bonds with their mates and can become aggressive towards other geese if they feel threatened or if their mate is in danger. 

Chinese geese are also known to be protective of their young and will fiercely defend them against predators.

This breed is also very vocal and they use a variety of calls to communicate with each other. 

They make a loud honking sound when they feel threatened or when they are warning other members of their flock about potential danger. 

They also use a soft hissing sound to communicate with their mates and young. 

Chinese geese are very responsive to their owners and will often honk or hiss in recognition of their presence.

However, they can be aggressive towards humans and other animals if they feel threatened or if they feel that their territory is being invaded. 

They are known to be good watchdogs and will alert their owners to the presence of strangers. 

But they can become overly aggressive if they are not properly socialized or if they are mistreated. 

It is important to handle Chinese geese with care and to provide them with a safe and secure environment.

Chinese geese are monogamous and form long-lasting bonds with their mates. 

The breeding season for these birds typically begins in late winter or early spring, with males becoming increasingly vocal and territorial. 

During mating, the male will mount the female from behind and hold onto her neck with his beak.

Chinese geese are prolific egg layers, with females typically laying between 30-50 extra large eggs per year. 

The egg-laying season typically begins in late winter or early spring and can last until early summer.

These geese are known to lay their eggs in a variety of locations, including in nests made from grass and other materials or in natural depressions in the ground. 

They are also known to lay their eggs in communal nests with other geese.

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